Beginner’s Track
You may not be a programmer, but you should come to OpenWest!
You don’t even have to own a computer to participate! Just sign up and show up.
Please REGISTER below
There are 4 classes in the beginner’s track.
1st – HTML & CSS (9am-10:45am)
We’ve all used websites, right? This class will guide you step-by-step through coding and styling your very own webpage. No previous knowledge needed (other than the ability to use a computer and the internet). This class is perfect for anyone who has ever wondered how a website is built and who may even, at some point, want to build their own.
2nd – Javascript (11am-12:20pm)
Now that you’ve built your webpage, we’re going to show you a bunch of awesome things you can do with Javascript. Ever wondered how Google can show you what you want to search while you’re typing it? Javascript. How does a website take you to another page without ever refreshing the page? Javascript.
Those concepts are probably a bit more in-depth than we’ll have time for, but I guarantee that after this class you’ll start to feel like you could take that next step and add your very own functionality to your brand-new webpage or site.
3rd – Ruby on Rails (2pm-3:30pm)
Now we’ll get into the real meat of a website. Making a static webpage is one thing, but making a dynamic site where you can create a login or registration form and then update your site based on the input from your user, well that’s the fun stuff!
4th – How to Think Like a Programmer (3:45pm-4:45pm)
You’ve worked hard and did things you never thought you could before. Go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back and relax. For the last class of the day, we’re going to teach you about the things you won’t be able to learn from a tutorial. Programming is more than just a language, it’s a different way of thinking. We’ll help give show you the tools you need in order to put your on the right path if you ever wanted to pursue development. It sounds a little intimidating, but I think you may be surprised at how common sense this stuff is.
This sounds like it’s way over your head, doesn’t it? Guess what? It’s not. We have developed these classes specifically for someone with no prior programming experience AT ALL. You don’t even have to bring a computer. We’ll have everything you need.
So, what’s your excuse? Can you set aside just one Saturday to go get FREE training? Well, we only have space for 35 students, so sign up NOW before you forget.