Aaron Toponce

Key Signing Party

Adi Kamdar

Internet Privacy
Internet Privacy Panel

AJ ONeal

vim for people who would rather not learn vim

Alex Young

How to turn WordPress into a full-blown CMS

Alma Madsen

Advanced CSS3 Techniques

Alpheus Madsen

Parentheses on the Web: Using Common Lisp for Web Programming

Alyssa Stringham

Nark - Steroids for Graphite
Highly Available Graphite

Andrew Hurd

Testing: Heaven or Hell

Ashe Dryden

Programming Diversity

Ben Coverston

Building a Distributed Data Platform

Brennen Sanders

Responsive Design != Endless Stacking

Brent Lambert

Building your own SAN Castle: From Media Center to Data Center

Brent Shaffer

OAuth2: The Swiss-Army Framework

Bret Little

Down and Dirty with Chrome Developer Tools

Brian G. Merrell

Introduction to Go
Migrating from Python to Go
Hack the Moon

Brian Holt

JavaScript Smackdown! Choosing your MVC amongst Angular, Ember, and Backbone

Bryan Hansen

RESTFul Services in Java using Jersey

C. Ed Felt

Linux Performance Tools

C. R. Oldham

Where's (the) Waldo? Automating network gear and "dumb" devices with Salt.

Cam Morris

Does this policy make my password look fat?

Carina C. Zona

Schemas for the Real World

Carlos Garcia

Ruby on Rails

Carol Fineagan

Becoming a People Manager

Charles Max Wood

SOA Done Wrong: A Tale of Two Apps
Introduction to Ruby on Rails

Chris London

Hands-on Refactoring in PHP

Christian West

Web Components, Polymer, and ooooh....the Shadow DOM

Clint Savage

FreeIPA: Identity Management done right!

Colton Myers

Decorators: A Powerful Weapon in your Python Arsenal


Python for Young Coders
Python Development Lab
Keeping safe for kids

Corey Edwards

Secure Your VoIP with Asterisk and Kamailio

Craig Golightly

Add Structure to Unstructured Data: Text Analysis and Speech to Text

Curtis Jewell

I need a web framework, but which one?

Daina Pettit

Streamlining and simplifying your Perl code using Map, Grep, and Sort

Dallas Despain

Principles of Accessibility

Dallin S. Durfee

An open source tool to explore the physics of musical scales

Dan Bunker

Bye Containers! Spring Boot your Web App
Mapping with Rails to take your Data to New Places

Dan Langford

Mobile Security is All About the App

Daniel Evans


Daniel Hanks

Dominate your systems universe with Ansible

Daniel Stephenson

Djangular: RESTful APIs with Django and AngularJS

Daniel Telschow

Building a Scalable Codebase using Domain Driven Design

Danny Howerton

Touring the Dark Side of the Internet

Dave Oswald

Think Like a Programmer

Dave Wellman

Developing on Hadoop using Pig & Hive
The problem with ones and zeros.

Davey Shafik

PHP 5.NEXT: The New Bits
PHP: Under The Hood

David Heldenbrand

Internet Privacy Panel

David Hurley

Dependency Injection, Service Locators, and Testing Your Code
What the heck is the Joomla! Framework?

David Moss

Putting the T in STEM: Supporting Your Tech-Minded Child
Programming for Parents

David Moulton

Creating Mobile Apps With Ionic

David Oswald

Practical Regular Expressions
Add Perl to Your Toolbelt

Derrick Isaacson

Cargo Cult Security

Devlin Daley

Show me the Money: Revenue and Business Strategies

Doran Barton

Object-oriented Perl
A brief history of Open Source

Duke Speer

Responsive Image Solutions for a CMS (Part 1)
Responsive Image Solutions Pt 2 - Lightroom to Website

Eric Jacobs

Fixing Apache httpd’s fopen() Race Condition

Ethan & Mary


Gabriel Gunderson

Show me the Money: Revenue and Business Strategies


Building more testable code

Gavin Howard

Language Design in Real Life
Bootstrapping a Compiler

Glen Hinkle

Non-blocking web services with Mojolicious - The why, the how, and the sequential.

Grant Shipley

Deploy and develop your application in a PaaS - 0 to awesome in 3 minutes
Full Stack JavaScript

Hala Saleh

How Agile Can Make You a Better Executive

Hannah Bottalla


Isaac Strack

Programming for Parents

Jared Robinson

SaltStack Introduction

Jared Smith

Welcome Parents to Open Source and Free tech resources

Jason Wood

Defending Against Web App Attacks Using ModSecurity

Jean LaBranche

Perl - Hacked wordpress finding

Jeff Beatty

Open localization and multiligualism on the Web
Open Web Apps on Firefox OS

Jeremy Mikola

Inside the Sausage Factory: A Journey from PHP to C
Doctrine, Object Persistence, and You
DOs and DON'Ts of MongoDB

Jeremy Zawodny

real-time search infrastructure architecture at craigslist

Joe Bowser

Why Apache Cordova (and PhoneGap) Still Exist: State of the Mobile Web 2014

John Kerley-Weeks

NoSQL Introduction
Big Data Introduction

John Richards

Google Fiber: Gigabit Impact

John Whitney

Perl via Paper Ink Metal and Oil

Joseph Brower

2D Game Development for the Masses

Joseph Hall

Asynchronous Distributed Computing with Salt

Joshua Tolley

Data Warehousing for Dumm^W Fairly Intelligent Beginners
Fermented foods your bishop won't get antsy about

Justin Carmony

Mentoring Devs Into DevOps

Justin Findlay

numpy and scipy

Kara Sowles

Growing your User Group

Karlyn Tolley

Fermented foods your bishop won't get antsy about

Kevin Sidwar

Unleash the Raspberry Pi Through Physical Computing

Kory Calmes

Mobile Security is All About the App

Lamont Peterson

Security Impact of Configuration Management
Spacewalk Workshop: Start with nothing, leave with Spacewalk

Lance Buttars

Beginners Introduction to Hacking and Information Security Using Open Source Tools.

Lt. Governor Spencer J. Cox

Technology in Utah

Mac Newbold

Hiring and Being Hired
Making the Move into Management

Marcos Minond

Building a Scalable Codebase using Domain Driven Design

Mark Calkins

Creating Wireframes for Web Apps

Mark Dominus

How to write a billing system that doesn't suck
Perl Program Repair Shop
Atypical typing

Matt Asay

Show me the Money: Revenue and Business Strategies
Big Data for the Rest of Us

Matt Harrison

A Brief Tour of the Python Pandas Package
Hands-on Beginning Python
Hands-on Intermediate Python

Matt Monsen

Writing Plugins for Mojolicious


Scratch : An intro

Matthew Barlocker

Nark - Steroids for Graphite
Highly Available Graphite

Matthew O. Smith

Developing Java with EMACS

Michael Lovell

Booting a Linux System

Michel Bohn

Scratching the Surface: IP Strategies to Protect UI/Interfaces

Mike Moore

Writing Games with Ruby

Mike Scalora

Intermediate jQuery: getting to the next level

Mike Spicer

Intermediate Metasploit

Nicole Whitehead

Show me the Money: Revenue and Business Strategies


3D printer exhibit

Paul Draper

Profiling like a boss, with Chrome's Dev Tools
Cranking it up to 11 with Chrome Apps

Pete Ashdown

Internet Liberty - Protecting and Expanding
Internet Privacy Panel

Raquel Smith

Inclusion: Expanding the Circle

Richard Bateman

Promises, Promises. An introduction to Deferred objects in Javascript
Angular.js for the skeptics

Rob Christensen

Building a Scalable Codebase using Domain Driven Design

Rob Van Dam

Profiling your awesome code to make it awesomer.

Robert Oakes

Real-Time Web Applications with Python

Russell S. Ahlstrom

Introduction to Ember

Ryan Erickson

Script up your application with Lua!

Sara Jones

Inclusion: Expanding the Circle

sarah novotny

5 Things You Didn't Know NGINX Could Do

Sariah Masterson

The outside looking in -- from Television and Radio to writing Code

Scott C. Lemon

The Bitcoin and Altcoin Ecosystem - Mining to Money
Creating Internet of Things Solutions with Node-RED

Seth House

Continuous code delivery and integration

Seth Johnson

Open About Being Closed
Keeping Kids Safe

Shane Caraveo

Privacy at Mozilla
Internet Privacy Panel

Spencer Christensen

Git Workflows That Work
Git Workflows That Work

Stacie Farmer

Inclusion: Expanding the Circle

stephen felt

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Steve Wolfe

Routing With Linux, From Home To Enterprise

Sue Fahnert

Becoming a People Manager


Mascot Madness

Thomas S Hatch

0MQ, SSH and RAET, Oh My!

Tiger Nassau

PoJAN Stack - Building a scalable SAAS Application

Timothy Stanley

Understanding CPU's Using a Simulated Four Instruction Device

Travis Chase

Raspberry Pi GPIO Overview

Trevor Hunsaker

Tools to Help You Join the Self-Publishing Revolution

Troy Jessup

Using Netflow for Security

various winners

First Robotics winners discuss

Velda Christensen

WordPress for Developers
WordPress Workshop

Zlatina Todorov

Becoming a People Manager